Philip Morris Case Study “Think. Don’t Smoke” vs. the Truth Campaign
Comm473: Allison Kershner and Melanie Loomis
In the 1930’s, Edward Bernays revolutionized the way the tobacco industry promoted cigarettes by linking female empowerment with the taboo of women smoking. While promoting for Lucky Strike, he launched a legendary public event by taking beautiful, well known feminists at the time and had them walk the streets of New York City carrying a banner representing freedom, each with a lit cigarette. This widely publicized Easter Day parade event paved the road for the growing tobacco industry to be forced into a whirlwind of constantly evolving methods of releasing advertisements and propaganda to promote tobacco products (Stauber. 1994).
As early as the 1950’s, truth concerning the harmful effects of smoking came to light in magazine articles. Even Bernays said that if he had known the dangerous effects of tobacco, he would not have taken Lucky Strike as his client. It was during this era, the tobacco industry more than doubled its advertising budget to pay for media ads and public relations practitioners. In 1954, The Tobacco Industry Research Council was a necessary formation in order to counter attack such negative health report findings (Stauber. 1994).
In 2005, the Centers for Disease Control published a survey which found that the number of high school students who had smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days was almost one quarter of the population (23 percent). Of those who smoke, the study found that 3,900 smoked a cigarette each morning and that 1,500 of them were regular smokers (Longpre). Smoking is killing nearly 5 million people a year worldwide.
Strategic Planning Behind the Problem:
The tobacco industry continues to receive harsh criticism among public health advocates. A lieu of advertising restrictions and smoking bans have caused the tobacco industry to curtail their past marketing techniques and branch out to find new ones because of the intense research and media coverage on the link between cancer and tobacco.
Just as in the 1950’s, large tobacco companies have been on the run to combat these accusations and they have needed a method of survival in this growing age of around the clock media coverage. To counter attack accusations that they are trying to target young people as a way to maintain revenue, Philip Morris has created the Youth Smoking Prevention Program to educate teenagers and parents about the harmful effects of smoking. Philip Morris originally launched their “Think. Don’t Smoke” campaign in 1998, which was regarded as unsuccessful and viewed by the media as a self-interested attempt at creating brand recognition.
Target Audience:
Primary audience: Male and female young people, ages 10 to 14, in the United States who do not smoke and frequently watch television.
Intervening: parents, teachers, coaches, other teenagers and youth serving organizations like Big Brothers Big Sisters and the 4H Club.
Moderating: anti-tobacco associations, public health advocates, World Health Organization
Philip Morris launched a “Think. Don’t Smoke” television advertisement campaign targeted towards young people. The commercials began to run in 1998 and continued to do so for years with the same campaign slogan and a renewing $100 million budget. In the “Think. Don’t Smoke” commercials, Philip Morris associated teenagers who chose not to start smoking as being “cool” among their peers. The first television advertisements were run on the Fox, WB, TNT, Cartoon Channel and ABC networks to appeal to youth programming. Additional Youth Smoking Prevention Ads were to run during future Super Bowls.
Truth Campaign
In 1998, public health advocates from Florida launched a dramatically successful state-wide response campaign attack on the tobacco industry known as Truth campaign. The vastly different messages portrayed in each campaign have produced years of analysis by researchers and the public regarding why the Truth campaign resonated so well among young people in comparison to the Philip Morris campaign. Advertising in the tobacco industry has been an issue that has affected the PR Industry since Edward Bernays in the 1930’s and remains a popular topic to examine regarding the stickiness of certain messages compared to others.
Past and Current Challenges:
In 1998, Philip Morris and other major tobacco companies faced one of their biggest challenges because of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. The tobacco companies were forced to pay $325 billion over the next 25 years and restrict their cigarette advertising and marketing. . This lawsuit required the tobacco companies to run their own antismoking ads to help reduce teenage tobacco use. Philip Morris developed a campaign called “Think. Don’t Smoke.” and at the same time, the American Legacy Foundation formed the Truth campaign.
Although the two campaigns were directed at the same teenaged audience, at similar time periods and made efforts to disseminate the same message, the Truth campaign was much more successful in getting kids to reject smoking. In fact, June 2002 article published by the American Journal of Public Health, surveyed teenagers and compared the two campaigns. The study found that those exposed to the Truth campaign were 66 percent less likely to smoke and those who were exposed to the Philip Morris campaign were 36 percent more likely to smoke (Heath).
According to Made to Stick, the Truth campaign ads out preformed the Phillip Morris ads because they were more memorable and they suggested that teens rebel against “The Man” –or Big Tobacco, by choosing not to smoke. In an article about the Philip Morris “Think. Don’t Smoke.” campaign, the author blamed the survey results on a number of factors. "The ads are fuzzy-warm, which could actually generate favorable feelings for the tobacco industry and, by extension, its products. And their theme — that adults should tell young people not to smoke mostly because they are young people — is exactly the sort of message that would make many teenagers feel like lighting up".
The Truth campaigns were so successful that Philip Morris responded by filing a Big Tobacco “anti-vilification” clause which aimed to get the commercials pulled from the air. Carolyn Levy, Philip Morris’s senior vice president for youth-smoking prevention justified the clause by saying, “We felt that [the Truth ads] are not consistent with the focus and mission of the American Legacy Foundation” (Heath). But the courts and research did not agree.
Philip Morris no longer uses the "Think. Don't Smoke." campaign and has begun using a three prong approach. The approach focuses on parent communications, grant programs and youth access prevention. The corporation follows positive youth development theory which emphasizes positive relationships and activities in teen's lives to keep them from smoking. Philip Morris also partakes in ongoing research to evaluate their prevention programs and communications. According to Philip Morris the number of underage smokers in America has steadily decreased since 1998.
1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»Laura Henderson
The TRUTH campaign continues to create new and innovative ways to get their message across to the 12 to 17 year old primary audience. This is not an audience that is easy to get the attention of since they are being bombarded with media from everywhere for so long they are skilled at tuning out messages they don't like. The TRUTH campaign has made inroads in marketing to this age group. The article http://www.onthesnow.com/news/a/5628/anti-tobacco-campaign-hits-brighton-resorts-ski-slopes
Talks about the ski resort Brighton using ski lifts as fun marketing tools with cartoons and truths about the harms of smoking. Skiers spend 10 minutes riding a lift and the TRUTH campaign is using this downtime to get their message across. The mountain also has TRUTH night with prizes like snowboards and IPODS. The terrain park used by many adolescents was graphitized with the message "See through the smoke, don't be manipulated." It plays up the anti-authority premise the TRUTH campaign has used all along. Not only the words but the medium they are expressed in, graffiti is not considered art by many people especially adults. The location also is youth oriented in a terrain park where freestylers and experimental boarders and skiers like to spend their time.
Philip Morris used snowboarding in their anti smoking ads to heated criticisms. Back when Philip Morris was doing the Think. Don’t Smoke campaign they sent millions of book covers to schools showing a cool snowboarder with the copy “Don’t Wipe Out. Think. Don’t Smoke.” There were arguments that the snowboard looked like a lit match and other subliminal messages. The link between fun in the snow was tied more strongly to Philip Morris than the anti-smoking message. Parents and schools were angered and I happen to agree that this was not a useful tool against smoking. The subliminal messages people pulled out of the book cover seem a little far-fetched though.
Philip Morris website about preventing youth smoking does not look like a website geared for young people. Whereas thetruth.com is colorful and interactive with games, videos, cool picture messages you can send to friends. The Philip Morris website and your post said the companies approach focuses on parent communications and prevention programs. There boring website is inline with this approach.
Granted Philip Morris is in an impossible position because they are a company telling kids not to smoke while still trying to make a profit. These kids are the company’s future, which the company is driving away. I wouldn’t be motivated to destroy the future growth of my company and job by creating a stellar anti-smoking campaign.
Kelly McNulty
The Truth campaign is designed to expose Big Tobacco's marketing techniques and uses different tactics to get this message across. Things like commercials showing teenagers placing body bags in front of the tobacco company's headquarters to show how many people tobacco kills is an effective message because not only does it show young people taking action, but as mentioned in the case study, it gives teens a visual of other young people standing up against "the man".
While the Truth campaign was more effective than Philip Morri's "Think. Don't Smoke" campaign, according to the article on the Spare Change website titled An Insiders View of Philip Morris' Anti-Smoking Campaign by Nedra Weinreich, http://www.social-marketing.com/blog/2006/11/insiders-view-of-philip-morris-anti.html
the tobacco industries ads may not have been as ineffective as they seemed. A study done by the American Journal of Public Health said that "youth anti-smoking television ads funded by tobacco companies are ineffective, and that the spots intended for parents may even have harmful effects." But Weinreich knew someone on the advisory board for Philip Morris USA's Youth Smoking Prevention Initiative.
When asked about the results of this study, this contact (Cheryl Olson) admitted that although the ads were done by a tobacco company, the study that looked at these ads had some misleading information. The ads looked at were 1.13 thirty second ads viewed over a four month period. This meant these ads were only seen a fraction of the time children actually spent watching television, yet they were somehow harmful.
I am not saying that the Philip Morris campaign is effective in getting kids to stop smoking like the Truth campaign is, but I found it interesting that it was so easy for a study to assume that since a cigarette company is putting out an anti-smoking ad, the ad is then harmful. Smoking itself is harmful, but the ads, although not the best, don't seem to be harming children.
Brian Heenan
I thought that Made To Stick did a really nice job in disecting both the Think. Don't Smoke. campaign and the Truth campaign. Once the Heath brothers explained their criteria for a "sticky" idea, the Truth campaign really blew the Think. Don't Smoke campaign right out of the water.
If I had to pinpoint the sole sticky reason for Truth's success, it would be the fact that it is "youth led." I can't recall a single Think. Don't Smoke commercial over the past ten years, but I could likely rattle off ten specific Truth commercials that have come out in the last decade. And the reason that these ads always stuck with me was that it was always kids or young adults that were in the commercials. The campaign would never have as much success as it's had if they used adults or authority figures. Kim Krisberg, of The Nations Health, wrote, "Truth is a hard-hitting media campaign that uses edgy television, radio and print ads featuring youth-led activism against tobacco companies and exposing the industry’s deceptive marketing techniques." With the key there being...youth led. The commercials are so fresh, unique and unexpected that they almost always stick to us. And the numbers don't lie. There has been a steady decrease in smoking since the Truth campaign began and I hope that trend continues.
On an a somewhat related note, I honestly never thought that I would see the day where bars and restaurants would ban smoking. And when I thought about it, I certainly expected any bar or restaurant to lose business if they ever implied such a rule. I also thought that they would lose money from the simple profit they would make from cigarette machines. But, I was clearly wrong ans it seems that bars and restaurants have thrived under the new rules. And I love it. I no longer wreak of smoke when I get home from the bar. I like to think that I smell nice now and it's a great feeling. Thanks Truth campaign!
Lauren Rothbardt
According to a study done by the Research Triangle Institute International, their results indicated that teens who were exposed to the truth campaign had a more accurate view of the number of teens who smoke. Teens who did not have exposure to the campaign or had less exposure to it, thought smoking was more common among their age. This alone proves how successful this campaign has been if it is getting adolescents to think about their smoking habits and the smoking habits of their peers. These commercials may not necessarily get you to quit, but as long as they have you thinking about it they have been effective.
The study also looked at the Phillip Morris Think. Don’t Smoke campaign. Researchers did not find a correlation between teens’ perceived prevalence of peer smoking. It is thought that this campaign depicted ideas consistent with teens’ expectations and therefore the campaign was unlikely to change their perceptions about smoking.
According to Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in an article written on February 12, 2009, the truth campaign saved 1.9 billion or more in health care costs associated with tobacco use. While I am not saying that Phillip Morris's campaign was ineffective, I believe it was not as effective as the truth campaign.
Christi Pluta
After reading this entry, I was extremely surprised to read about the ideas behind Phillip Morris's Think. Don't smoke campaign. It seems to me, that he really didn't perform enough research about his audience. Even if it could be seen as a stereotype, younger kids, ages 10 to 14, are usually seen as rebellious towards adult figures. You would think that he would have taken that into consideration and tried to relate with them more on a personal, one-on-one level, as did the TRUTH campaign. Furthermore, with criticism such as this, stated in the study, Anti-smoking Ads Fail to Work, "Philip Morris should pull its ads off the air at once," American Legacy Foundation President and chief executive officer Cheryl Healton said Wednesday. "It should call an immediate halt to a campaign that not only doesn't work but actually harms the very kids it purports to help," Morris would attempt to alter his tactics to appeal to the younger demographic, in a way that would be more effective.
I see that Phillip Morris decided to end his Think. Don't smoke. campaign and changed it to a three prong approach including parent communications, grant programs and youth access prevention. My question is, when did he decide to implement this new campaign? Why did he try a completely different approach? Also, why didn't he try to modify his original campaign if it was getting so much media attention to begin with?
I can't help but to think that Phillip Morris's campaign was doomed at the start. I'd be willing to assume that even if their ads were as well crafted as the Truth campaign that the company would still be receiving heavy criticism.
When a company like Phillip Morris represents (or at least identifies with) the very face of Big Tobacco, there is quite a bit of skepticism that comes from trying to advocate against the very products you sell. I'm not in the least bit shocked that snowboards would be spun as looking like cigarettes. If viagra had run the same ad, I'm sure the snowboard would have looked like a penis.
That being said, I agree 100% that the Truth campaign was executed much better. There is something very powerful about seeing a street full of body bags. And that's just ONE day of cigarette-related deaths. Truth is able to stir up the waters and touch on things that people are uncomfortable talking about (like death).
One thing that I've been learning about in a social pyschology class is "Terror Management Theory" (by Greenberg, Solomon & Pyszczynski 1997). According to this theory, when people are forced to think about their mortality or death, they are more likely to show concern for cultural issue and adhere to cultural values. By bombarding the viewers with images of body bags (a much more real reminder of our mortality than simply saying "cigarettes may be correlated with cancer") they will actually *think* about the issue of smoking, amd may also adhere to the negative concept of smoking that our culture has come to value. Phillip Morris named their campaign after this goal. Truth actually accomplished it.
On a lighter note, if anyone has not seen the movie "Thank You For Smoking" from a few years ago, I highly recommend it. The film takes the perspective of a Big Tobacco spokesperson who is very good (if not crooked) at his job. Of course, the movie is a comedy and very tongue-in-cheek, but I think some of you may appreciate the humor.
Even before reading this entry, I was very familiar with the Truth campaign and other than reading about the Think. Don’t Smoke campaign in Made to Stick, I have never even heard about it. That right there says enough about how sticky or successful it was. Clearly, Phillip Morris created the Youth Smoking Prevention campaign basically to say that they created a campaign. It was not even close to being successful and even just reading the descriptions of the television advertisements make it sound like Phillip Morris didn’t put much effort or research into actually getting the message out to parents and adolescents that smoking is very detrimental to one’s health. The basic idea of the advertisements doesn’t reveal any sticky aspects and frankly wouldn’t be capable of making a point or even grabbing a teenager’s attention to make the point. However, I feel that the truth campaign proved to be exactly the opposite. Their television advertisements really caught the attention of its viewers and each commercial, in my opinion, was successful in making a statement about smoking. As Made to Stick explained, the truth campaign does have the effect of making the “head guys” of the tobacco companies look like people that you would not want to support in any way possible. I believe that the real situations of the commercials are what make them so successful. The filming of the commercials often look like they are filmed from a handheld camera and make the situation become even more realistic to the viewers. From the article”Successful ‘Truth’ Anti-Smoking Campaign in Funding Jeopardy: New Commission Works to Save Campaign” on Medscape Today explains how a group of U.S. health leaders are trying to help save the Truth campaign which faces a loss in funding. The article recognized how the truth campaign was able to bring a significant reduction in youth smoking. It explained that in the two years following the debut of the truth campaign, cigarette use among high schoolers dropped from 28 percent to less than 23 percent, a drop of more than 1 million smokers. While the Think. Don’t Smoke campaign is no longer active. I think that it is clear that these two campaigns are very different. It is obvious that the Truth campaign was more appropriate for the targeted audience and the responses to it make that quite evident.
Brandon Bernola
From a PR perspective, the Lucky Strike campaign was genius. It made freedom and cigarettes go hand-in-hand. However, from a human being perspective, this was horrible for America. Smoking costs us Americans countless tax dollars in health costs, plus the heartache from people around us dying agonizing deaths from smoking.
In my opinion it is almost evil to try to intentionally get people to smoke, especially the younger population. It reminds me of the movie “Thank you for smoking”, which is a story about a lobbyist whose job is to get people to smoke. It is disguising and wrong on so many different levels.
Researcher Mathew Farrelly, PhD, and colleagues from the RTI International’s Public Health Policy Research Program estimated that the $245 million spent on ‘truth’ television ads saved up to $5.4 billion in tobacco-related health costs by preventing 450,000 people ages 15 to 24 from smoking. They also calculated that for every $544 spent on the campaign, one fewer adolescent started smoking.
These are numbers that show there is a difference being made. The ‘truth’ campaign is proven to be stickier than the ‘Think. Don’t smoke” campaign, as we learned from the check list we were given in Made to Stick.
Katherine Matz
It seems strange to me that a billion dollar company such as Philip Morris did not have the funds, research, knowledge, ect. to create an effective anti-smoking advertising campaign. They have exemplified effective campaigns to support smoking in the past such as the Lucky Strike promotion, but now they are not able to produce effective anti-smoking ads. They actually created ads posed as anti-smoking with subliminal messages that were proven to encourage kids to smoke more. It seems obvious that they are more concerned with producing profits than promoting social responsibility and are only working for their self-interest. As for their new three prong approach, I have not seen any mass public outreach. Their previous commercials received criticism for being ineffective and now they don’t have any commercials. It seems that they are not willing to produce an effective anti-smoking campaign. They can say that they follow positive youth development theory, but are they actually acting on this? Philip Morris reported that the number of underage smokers in America has steadily decreased since 1998. They try to portray that they are doing this research because they want this demographic to decline when in reality they know because it is hurting their business.
I agree with the Heaths’ ideas about the stickiness of the Truth campaign. It not only portrays smoking as bad, but targets the duplicity of the tobacco industry. This reveals a truth bigger than the harmful effects of smoking and really reaches teenagers who have rebellious tendencies. The ads also appealed to emotions with fear and humor-based messages unlike the “Think. Don’t Smoke.” ads.
Sara Oxfeld
According to Medical News Today, “The national youth smoking-prevention campaign known as truth, likely prevented 450,000 adolescents from initiating smoking, according to a new study by researchers at RTI International.” I believe this statistic is because of the stickiness of the truth campaign.
The reason the truth campaign has been such a success because of the emotion appeal. In a recent truth commercial, there were babies crawling around crying with orange tee-shirts saying "How do babies avoid second hand smoke? They learn to crawl." This "sticky" message appeals to parents who are the Intervening audience. Since the truth campaign targets adolescents, the parents are going to be the ones to set and example and teach their children about the dangers of smoking.
In a recent study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers "used data from the on-going National Longitudinal Survey of Youth that interviewed almost 9,000 adolescents annually from 1997 to 2004. The participants ranged in age from 15 to 20 when the truth® campaign was launched in February 2000."
The truth campaign was smart to conduct their qualitative research through interview. This allowed the team to gain important insight into their target audience. Philip Morris did not conduct the right research and therefore chose the wrong target audience.
"The results of the study suggest that from 2000 to 2004 there were 450,000 fewer 15 to 24 year olds who initiated smoking as a result of the truth® campaign. The researchers also found that for every $544 spent on the campaign during its first four years, one fewer adolescent initiated smoking. The authors suggest that the cost is modest compared to other health interventions" (Medical news now). The cost-benefit ratio here is the reason why truth can continue investing money into the campaign despite the slowing economy.
Shin Yoshida
While Phillip Morris strived to prevent youth from smoking, Truth Campaign was way stickier than the “Think. Don’t Smoke” campaign. Since the teenagers aging between 10 and 14 are in the pre-adolescent stage, they tend to rebel against the adults. The Truth Campaign implemented this characteristic wisely in their strategy. By making the teenagers think anti-smoking as a rebellion to “man,” Phillip Morris were able to gain their credibility from their target audience. On the other hand, “Think. Don’t Smoke” campaign were ineffective partially because of its message telling the teenagers to “don’t.” It isn’t easy to resist teenager’s curiosity by verbally preventing. Therefore, “Think. Don’t Smoke” campaign failed, because they didn’t understood the characteristic of their target audience enough. Like how MTS mentions, The Truth Campaign treated their campaign as a rebellion rather than a rational decision making.
According to the Tufts Daily, a college newspaper by the Tufts University, the city of Boston banned smoking in outdoor areas, banning new smoking bars such as hookah and cigar bars and gave current smoking bars 10 years to remain open. Edith Balbach, a community health senior lecture, commented that the most effective way to prevent teenagers to smoking is to convince people that they don’t want the product. In other words, restricting the teenagers may be risky. For example, not allowing alcohol consumption until the age of 21 has been ineffective among the teenagers. Kids will try to buy them no matter how much the parents or institution restricts. Since it is already proven by Centers for Disease Control & Prevention that the Truth Campaign reduced 450,000 teenagers from smoking, the government and corporations should try to apply this strategy more to prevent teenagers from consuming adult luxuries, such as alcohols and tobaccos.
The TRUTH campaign is much more effective than the "Think. Don't Smoke." campaign for several reasons. Not only is it stickier, but it also presents young people the information and allows them to make their own decisions. This approach is more effective than just telling adolescents not to do something and undoubtedly has a higher success rate than "Think. Don't Smoke."
The TRUTH website is also more effective than that of Phillip Morris. It is interactive, brightly colored, and ultimately, youth-friendly. The Phillip Morris site takes more of a "Here are the facts about our products" approach. Then again, I doubt the company would have the health concerns on its website at all if it weren't required.
I don't remember anything about the "Think. Don't Smoke." campaign. But I am familiar with the TRUTH campaign. Their commercials are sticky. They actually appeal to their target audience. (And now I have that "magical amount" song from one of the TRUTH commercials stuck in my head. Thanks for that.)
I think that the TRUTH campaign's marketing strategy is innovative, especially their use of the ski lifts. They capitalized on what was formerly ten minutes of complete down time and turned it into ten uninterrupted minutes of their message. I think it's genius.
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